house fast

We Buy Houses In Roanoke Without An Agent, As-Is, In Any Condition, With Cash, And At No Cost To You!

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Meet Matthew and Vannesa
Matthew and Vannesa needed to sell FAST!!
No Contact Selling! Sell Your House Fast For Cash With No Contact
We bought Devin’s out of state house and never even met in person.
James Sold Within 14 Days!
James sold his house to us in under 14 days! He tells the story in his own words…
Selling a house you simply no longer want to own can be so easy!
Mr Hatter was tired of dealing with tenants and repairs.
We Buy A Vacant House As Is
Dallas needed to sell fast and we got it done in a couple of weeks!
Sharon sells an inherited house
Sharon needed to sell her inherited house without making repairs.

We Buy Houses In Roanoke, VA! Fast. Fair. Sold!

We buy houses in Roanoke, VA. We specialize in buying houses fast, with cash. We work for you to get your house closed quickly and we buy your house in any condition. We have enjoyed helping countless homeowners by buying their house at a fair price. We pride ourselves on providing you a service and we always strive to exceed your expectations.

Some Kind Words From A Few Sellers We Have Helped, Even With Title Issues…

Sell Your House In Roanoke Without Costs Or Repairs

The reality is, the traditional real estate transaction is slow, stressful and costly! That is where we come in. We make selling your house fast and fair. Why not get an offer from us before you commit to a 6 month listing contract with an agent?

We Are House Buyers That Offer A Better Way To Sell Your Roanoke House Fast!

Check how easy we make it to sell your house! Not only is it easy, but we are completely transparent on how we determine your offer. Because we eliminate the need for agents, inspections and approvals, we can buy your house fast and pay more.

Cash For Your Roanoke House On Your Terms

Life happens. Sometimes things don’t go as planned. If you find yourself in a situation where selling your house fast is necessary we are here to help. When you reach out to us you are under no obligation to sell us your house. You are in control. You can take our cash offer or we can discuss what other options might be available to you.

If you need to sell your house fast, Journey Home Buyers could be the solution you have been looking for. Image knowing the day your house will be sold and the amount you’re getting! No fees, no commissions, no surprises!

  • Leaking Roof
  • Water Damage
  • Smoker’s House
  • Pet Damage
  • Major Repairs
  • Fire Damage
  • Termite Damage

Want To Sell Your House Fast? Then Get Started Today!

We buy houses in any condition. There are no commissions, no agents, no fees and no repairs needed. Start Below To Get Your No-Obligation Cash Offer!
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We Buy Houses In Roanoke With Cash

We are not agents listing your house for sale. All the hassles of contracting an agent adds stress, months to the process, costs to hold the house (mortgage, utilities, taxes, etc.), and in the end you still have to pay the agent’s fees. All these costs can result in well over 20% being taken from your sales price.

But if you want to sell quickly, we will buy your house at no cost to you, we can close in as little as 14 days because we will buy your house fast with cash and we don’t have to rely on traditional bank financing or appraisals.

We buy houses without the traditional hurdles. Just ask Dallas!
  • How do we determine the value of your house? This is by far the most asked question. To determine your cash offer we look at location, condition and the local market. We offer a free calculator to compare how your house stacks up.
  • Does your house need substantial repairs? You won’t need to clean up or repair the property because we buy houses in any condition.
  • Heard horror stories of bad agents? You won’t waste time trying to find an agent who you can trust and you won’t need to sign a long term listing agreement because we are the buyers.
  • Have you inherited a house that you don’t want? We make selling an out of date inherited house fast and convenient. Even if you live out of state.
  • Are you falling behind on payments or taxes? We have worked with many homeowners to buy their house before foreclosure and before a tax auction.

Want To Sell Your House Fast? Then Get Started Today!

We buy houses in any condition. There are no commissions, no agents, no fees and no repairs needed. Start Below To Get Your No-Obligation Cash Offer!
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Or Give Us A Call Now At: 540-296-2607

Journey Home Buyers, LLC is a solutions based home buying real estate investment company. We aim to exceed your expectations in all that we do. Check out our testimonials to learn about how we operate.

Call Us Today!